In [1]:
h5_path = "/home/einar/Documents/GitHub/PCG/fieldopt_output/adgprs7/5SPOT.SIM.H5"
nx = 60
ny = 60
nz = 1
In [12]:
import h5py
import numpy as np
# Read the HDF5 file
h5_file = h5py.File(h5_path, 'r')
# Get the RESTART and FLOW_TRANSPORT groups from the file
h5_restart_group = h5_file['RESTART']
h5_flow_transport_group = h5_file['FLOW_TRANSPORT']
# Get the GRIDPROPTIME table from the FLOW_TRANSPORT group
# It is a three dimensional table [Block, Prop, Time]
# For a dead oil run:
# Rows: Nx * Ny * Nz
# Columns: 3 (status, pressure, S_w)
# Layers: 1 pr. time step
# For a black oil run:
# Rows: Nx * Ny * Nz
# Columns: 6 (status, pressure, y_oil, x_oil, S_g, S_o)
# Layers: 1 pr. time step
h5_gridproptime_table = h5_flow_transport_group['GRIDPROPTIME']
# Get the TIMES table from the RESTART group
h5_times_table = h5_restart_group['TIMES']
# Extract the 1D time step vector from the TIMES table
vec_time_steps = h5_times_table[:] # 1D vector
# Use the shape of the gridproptime table to determine whether this is a black or dead oil run
if h5_gridproptime_table.shape[1] == 3:
dead_oil = True
black_oil = False
dead_oil = False
black_oil = True
# Initialize arrays that will hold the block data
pressure = np.zeros([len(vec_time_steps), nx, ny, nz])
sat_oil = np.zeros([len(vec_time_steps), nx, ny, nz])
sat_wat = np.zeros([len(vec_time_steps), nx, ny, nz])
sat_gas = np.zeros([len(vec_time_steps), nx, ny, nz])
for t in range(len(vec_time_steps)):
row = 0
for z in range(nz):
for y in range(ny):
for x in range(nx):
pressure[t, x, y, z] = h5_gridproptime_table[row, 1, t]
sat_wat[t, x, y, z] = h5_gridproptime_table[row, 2, t]
sat_oil[t, x, y, z] = 1 - sat_wat[t, x, y, z]
row += 1
In [26]:
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
x = np.arange(0, nx)
y = np.arange(0, ny)
z = sat_oil[0, :, :, 0]
for t in range(len(vec_time_steps)):
if t == 0:
p = plt.imshow(z)
fig = plt.gcf()
plt.title('Oil saturation')
z = sat_oil[t, :, :, 0]
In [ ]: